Sunday, March 13, 2011

In the weekend Olivia took me home to her place.
We did all sorts of things.
First I met her budgie Skippy, he's now my new best friend. It took a while for him to get used to me as he had never met a Hoiho before. As soon as we met he came flying over and started nibbling my feet, it tickled! After that we went for a ride in the barbie car, it's very comfortable. We went for a drive around the house, making sure the cat didn't see us! Olivia said to me that it was good that I couldn't fly because she's always trying to get Skippy down from the top of the curtain, which he never wants to come down from and if I could fly I would probably be up there as well.
I really like Skippy because he can talk to me which I really like, because not many animals can.
I can't wait to see Skippy again, he might even be able to come into class and see everyone-very exciting!

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